Accessibility Ontario with Disabilities Act (AODA) Policy/Multi-Year Plan
Trillium is committed to ensuring equal access and participation for people with disabilities in a way that allows them to maintain their dignity and independence. We believe in integration and are committed to meeting the needs of people with disabilities. We are committed to meeting current and ongoing obligations under the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act and Ontario’s accessibility laws and will review this policy/plan every 5 years to stay current with AODA standards.
We will communicate and work with people with disabilities in ways that consider their disability.
Assistive Devices
People with disabilities may use their own personal assistive devices when accessing our goods and services or facilities. We will ensure that our staff are trained and are familiar with various assistive devices we have on site or that we provide that may be used or required by people to use our facility.
- information that is needed to perform the employee’s job; and
- information that is generally available to employees in the workplace.
Where needed, we will also provide customized emergency information to help an employee with a disability during an emergency. With the employee’s consent, we will provide workplace emergency information to a designated person who is helping that employee during an emergency. We will provide the information as soon as practicable after we become aware of the need for accommodation due to the employee’s disability. We will review the individualized workplace emergency response information:
- when the employee moves to a different location in the organization.
- when the employee’s overall accommodations need, or plans are reviewed; and
- when the employer reviews its general emergency response policies.
We have a written process to develop individual accommodation plans for employees. We have a written process for employees who have been absent from work due to a disability and require disability-related accommodations to return to work. Our performance management, career development and redeployment processes consider the accessibility needs of all employees.
Service Animals
We welcome people with disabilities and their service animals in areas not impacting product quality or safety. If Service animals are prohibited by another law, we will do the following to ensure people with disabilities can access our goods, services or facilities.
- Explain why the animal is excluded.
- Discuss with customer another way of providing goods, services, or facilities.
Notice of temporary disruption
In the event of a planned or unexpected disruption to access to facilities for third party customers/ clients/ business liaisons, we will notify the relevant third parties in a prompt manner prior to any scheduled visits where this may be an issue for the visiting party. This will communicate the reason for the disruption, the anticipated length of time and description of any alternative arrangements as applicable. Any such notices will also be posted in the main entrance of the facility.
Trillium Health Care Products Inc. will provide training to employees, volunteers and others who deal with the public or other third parties on our behalf. Training will also be provided to people involved to procedures related to the provisions of our goods and services.
The following training will be provided to all employees:
- We train every person through employee orientation as soon as practicable after being hired and provide training in respect of any changes to the policies
- We maintain records of the training provided including the dates on which the training was provided and the number of individuals to whom it was provided.
- Practical training course will be assigned to all employees regarding the requirements of AODA.
Training will include:
- An overview of the Accessibility for Ontarians with Disabilities Act, 2005 and the requirements of the customer service standard.
- Trillium’s plan related to the customer service standard and ongoing training if changes are identified.
- How to interact and communicate with people with various types of disabilities.
- How to interact with people with disabilities who use an assistive device or require the assistance of a service animal or support person.
- Summarizing where the assistive devices are in the facility.
- What to do if a person with disability is having difficulty in accessing Trillium’s facilities.
Feedback Process
Customers who wish to provide feedback on the way Trillium interacts with its third-party clients/ service providers can be provided by email through Trillium’s Human Resources (HR) Manager or verbally to its hosting representatives.
All feedback will be routed thru HR and the CEO will be made aware of and be involved in responding to any complaints promptly within 48 hours.
Notice of Availability
Trillium will notify our external business liaisons/ clients/ service providers that our policy is available and accessible upon entry to the facility in our main lobby in hard copy.